- (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis
- 16진법
- 2022 ebpf summit alexei starovoitov
- 2022 ebpf summit daniel xu
- 2nd Algorithm
- 2진법
- A* algorithm
- A* 알고리즘
- A20 Line
- A20 라인
- ABA Problem
- AIFM: High-Performance, Application-Integrated Far Memory
- AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging
- ARM Confidential compute architecture
- AWS Nitro Enclaves
- A Robust and Efficient Defense against Use-after-Free Exploits via Concurrent Pointer Sweeping
- A survey of procedural noise functions
- Abstract
- Abstract interpretation
- Abstract syntax
- Abstraction
- Actions
- Activation function
- Additive increase multiplicative decrease
- Address resolution protocol
- Address space layout randomization
- Advanced configuration and power interface
- Advanced vector extensions
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Anderson algorithm
- Anonymous memory
- AppArmor
- Application-Informed Kernel Synchronization Primitives
- Arm Confidential Computing Architecture
- Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane
- Asmlinkage
- Atomicity
- Attestation
- B-tree
- BPF Type Format
- BRF: Fuzzing the eBPF Runtime
- BUDAlloc: Defeating Use-After-Free Bugs by Decoupling Virtual Address Management from Kernel
- BUDAlloc: Defeating Use-After-Free Bugs by Decoupling Virtual Address Management from Kernel/ko
- Backus-Naur form
- Backward propagation
- Bad unlock balance
- Batch normalization
- Batching
- Beam search
- Bernstein's Conditions
- Bernstein Condition
- Best-first search
- Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
- Beyond malloc efficiency to fleet efficiency: a hugepage-aware memory allocator
- Bifrost: Analysis and Optimization of Network I/O Tax in Confidential Virtual Machines
- Binary Compatibility
- Binary decision rule
- Binary search
- Binary translation
- Binary tree
- Bit Fusion: Bit-Level Dynamically Composable Architecture for Accelerating Deep Neural Network
- Bit Fusion: Bit-Level Dynamically Composable Architecture for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks
- Black-box testing
- BlackBox: A Container Security Monitor for Protecting Containers on Untrusted Operating Systems
- Block device
- Border gateway protocol
- Bounding volume hierarchy
- Bubble sort
- Buddy allocator
- Bump map
- C-state
- C4: The Continuously Concurrent Compacting Collector
- CAP 정리
- CBMM: Financial Advice for Kernel Memory Managers
- CRCount: Pointer Invalidation with Reference Counting to Mitigate Use-after-free in Legacy C/C++
- Cache
- Cache line
- Camera space
- Canonical view volume
- Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX
- Card table
- Carrier sense multiple access/collision detection
- Cgroup
- Character device
- Characterizing a Memory Allocator at Warehouse Scale
- Characters
- Chroot
- Classless inter-domain routing
- Cling: A Memory Allocator to Mitigate Dangling Pointers
- Clipping
- Clock Eviction Algorithm
- Clock nanosleep
- Cmp
- CoW
- Code coverage
- Cohesion and coherence
- Cohort Lock
- Complete partial order
- Completeness
- Computational photography
- Compute Express Link
- Concision
- Conclusion
- Concrete syntax
- Concurrency
- Confidential computing
- Congestion control
- Container of
- Contents distribution network
- Context
- Context sensitive algorithm
- Control flow integrity
- Convolution layer
- Convoy effect
- Cooperation and Security Isolation of Library OSes for Multi-Process Applications
- Coordinated and efficient huge page management with ingens
- Copy on write
- Copy to user
- Core slicing: closing the gap between leaky confidential VMs and bare-metal cloud
- Corner point
- Correctness
- Corundum: Statically-Enforced Persistent Memory Safety
- Cost function
- Critical section
- Culling
- Cut
- Cyclic redoundancy check
- DINT: Fast In-Kernel Distributed Transactions with eBPF
- DNS Spoofing
- DNS 스푸핑
- DangZero: Efficient Use-After-Free Detection via Direct Page Table Access
- Database addressing
- Database management system
- Dead lock
- Deadlock
- Debugfs
- Decision making
- Demand loading
- Demanding paging
- Demilitarized zone
- Dennard Scailing
- Designing New Operating Primitives to Improve Fuzzing Performance
- DiLOS: Do Not Trade Compatibility for Performance in Memory Disaggregation
- DieHard: Probabilistic Memory Safety for Unsafe Languages
- DieHarder: Securing the Heap
- Diff
- Differential testing
- Direct Access, High-Performance Memory Disaggregation with DIRECTCXL
- Direct memory access
- Directory
- Discriminative model
- Display
- Distributed ray tracing
- Docker
- Domain name system
- Double Scheduling
- Dune: Safe User-level Access to Privileged CPU Features
- Dup
- Dynamic host configuration protocol
- Dynamic program analysis
- Dynamic programming
- Dynamic streaming over HTTP
- EBPF verifier
- ERIM: Secure, efficient in-process isolation with protection keys (MPK)
- EXTMEM: Enabling Application-Aware Virtual Memory Management for Data-Intensive Applications
- Ebpf kptr
- Edge detection
- Emphasis
- Enclave
- Epipolar Geometry
- Eventual consistency
- Evolving Operating Systems Towards Secure Kernel-Driver Interfaces
- Exec
- Executable and linkage format
- Exit
- Express
- Express Data Path
- Ext2
- Extended page table
- Extensibility, safety and performance in the SPIN operating system
- Extension Framework for File Systems in User space
- FAASM: Lightweight Isolation for Efficient Stateful Serverless Computing
- FaaS
- Fast, Flexible, and Practical Kernel Extensions
- Favocado: Fuzzing the Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using Semantically Correct Test Cases
- Features
- FetchBPF: Customizable Prefetching Policies in Linux with eBPF
- Field sensitive algorithm
- File
- File-backed memory
- File descriptor
- File system
- File transfer protocol
- Filesystem
- Filesystem in userspace
- Finding Correctness Bugs in eBPF Verifier with Structured and Sanitized Program
- First-class function
- First-order function
- First in first out
- Fixed point
- FlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation
- Flynn's taxonomy
- Fork
- FreeGuard: A Faster Secure Heap Allocator
- FreeSentry: Protecting Against Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities Due to Dangling Pointers
- Fsck
- Ftrace
- Full virtualization
- Fully connected layer
- Function as a service
- Fuzzer
- Fuzzing
- G1GC
- GC
- Gapbs
- Garbage-First Garbage Collection
- Garbage collection
- Genetic algorithm
- Global coherence
- Global descriptor table
- Global illumination
- Go-Back-N
- Go-pmem: Native support for programming persistent memory in go
- Governors
- Gradient decent
- Graphics pipeline
- Gray-box testing
- Greedy algorithm
- HIVE: A Hardware-assisted Isolated Execution Environment for eBPF on AArch64
- HTTP/응답 코드
- HTTP 응답 코드
- HXDP: Efficient software packet processing on FPGA NICs
- Hardening Hypervisors with Ombro
- Hardware-assisted Load Balancing for Energy-efficient SNIC-Host Cooperative Computing
- Hardware-based virtualization
- Hardware virtualization
- Harmonizing Performance and Isolation in Microkernels with Efficient Intra-kernel Isolation and Communication
- HawkEye: Efficient Fine-grained OS Support for Huge Pages
- Hazard pointer
- Hdparm
- HeMem: Scalable Tiered Memory Management for Big Data Applications and Real NVM
- Heap sort
- Heartbleed
- Heuristic search
- High Velocity Kernel File Systems with Bento
- High dynamic range
- Hill climbing
- Hill climbing search
- Hodor: Intra-Process Isolation for High-Throughput Data Plane Libraries
- Homomorphic encryption
- How to Run POSIX Apps in a Minimal Picoprocess
- Htree
- Huge page
- HyperText transfer protocol
- Hypercall
- I/O Virtualization
- IJON: Exploring Deep State Spaces via Fuzzing
- IP
- IPSec
- IPv4
- IPv6
- IX: A Protected Dataplane Operating System for High Throughput and Low Latency
- Iago Attack
- Iago Attacks: Why the System Call API is a Bad Untrusted RPC Interface
- Identifying On-/Off-CPU Bottlenecks Together with Blocked Samples
- Indentifier
- Independent software vendor
- Infinite loop
- Init
- Inode
- Insertion sort
- Instruction-level parallelism
- Intel MPK
- Intel Memory Protection Key
- Intel PT
- Intel SGX
- Intel TDX
- Intel software guard extensions
- Inter Process Communication
- Interface description language
- Internet control message protocol
- Internet protocol
- Internet service provider
- Interrupt
- Interrupt descriptor table
- Interrupt handler
- Interrupt stack
- Interrupt vector
- Intrusion detection system
- Isolation
- J-NVM: Off-heap Persistent Objects in Java
- Jitter
- Junho Ahn
- K-Means