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다른 언어로의 연결이 없는 문서의 목록입니다:

  1. 301부터 #350까지의 범위에서 50개의 결과가 아래에 보입니다.

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  1. Michael-Scott queue
  2. MineSweeper: A “Clean Sweep” for Drop-In Use-After-Free Prevention
  3. Minimax 알고리즘
  4. Mnemosyne: Lightweight persistent memory
  5. Model specific register
  6. Multi-view geometry
  7. Multicore
  8. Multiversion concurrency control
  9. Mutrace
  10. My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container
  11. NUMA
  12. NVL-C: Static analysis techniques for efficient, correct programming of non-volatile main memory systems
  13. NVMe
  14. Naive Bayes classifiers
  15. Narrowing
  16. Native Posix Thread Library
  17. Near data processing
  18. Network address translation
  19. Network interface card
  20. NoSQL
  21. Node.js
  22. Nooks: an architecture for reliable device drivers
  23. OSv Optimizing the Operating System for Virtual Machines
  24. Object space
  25. Octree
  26. Oops
  27. OpenMP
  28. Operating System Support for Safe and Efficient Auxiliary Execution
  29. Operating system
  30. Optical flow
  31. Order
  32. Oscar: A Practical Page-Permissions-Based Scheme for Thwarting Dangling Pointers
  33. Out of memory
  34. Overlayfs
  35. P-state
  36. P2P
  37. PACTree: A High Performance Persistent Range Index Using PAC Guidelines
  38. PARSEC
  39. PCI Passthrough
  40. PKRU-safe: automatically locking down the heap between safe and unsafe languages
  41. PMDK
  42. POSIX Abstractions in Modern Operating Systems: The Old, the New, and the Missing
  43. POSIX Threads
  44. POST (HTTP)
  45. PUMM: Preventing Use-After-Free Using Execution Unit Partitioning
  46. Page eviction
  47. Page fault
  48. Parity bit
  49. Path finding
  50. Pattern matching

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