- 1부터 #50까지의 범위에서 50개의 결과가 아래에 보입니다.
- 2진법 → 이진법
- A* algorithm → A* 알고리즘
- A20 Line → A20 라인
- AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging → Secure encrypted virtualization
- ARM CCA → ARM Confidential compute architecture
- ARP → Address resolution protocol
- ASLR → Address space layout randomization
- AVX → Advanced vector extensions
- Abstract → Abstraction
- Abstract syntax → Syntax#Abstract syntax
- Advanced configuration and power interface → ACPI
- Alpha-beta pruning → 알파-베타 가지치기
- Arm Confidential Computing Architecture → ARM Confidential compute architecture
- Atomicity → ACID
- BGP → Border gateway protocol
- BTF → BPF Type Format
- Beam search → 빔 서치
- Bernstein Condition → Bernstein's Conditions
- Black-box testing → 블랙박스 검사
- CDMA → 채널 분할 프로토콜
- CDN → Contents distribution network
- CFI → Control flow integrity
- CIDR → Classless inter-domain routing
- CNN → Convolution layer
- CRC → Cyclic redoundancy check
- CSMA → Carrier sense multiple access/collision detection
- CXL → Compute Express Link
- Cache → 캐시
- CoW → Copy on write
- Code coverage → 코드 커버리지
- Complete partial order → Order
- Concrete syntax → Syntax#Concrete syntax
- Congestion control → 혼잡제어
- DASH → Dynamic streaming over HTTP
- DBMS → Database management system
- DMA → Direct memory access
- DMZ → Demilitarized zone
- DNS → Domain name system
- DNS 스푸핑 → DNS Spoofing
- Deadlock → Dead lock
- Directory → 디렉토리
- Dynamic programming → 동적 계획법
- ELF → Executable and linkage format
- EPT → Extended page table
- FIFO → First in first out
- FTP → File transfer protocol
- FaaS → Function as a service
- File → 파일
- File system → 파일 시스템
- Filesystem → 파일 시스템