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  1. 1부터 #50까지의 범위에서 50개의 결과가 아래에 보입니다.

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  1. 2진법이진법
  2. A* algorithmA* 알고리즘
  3. A20 LineA20 라인
  4. AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested PagingSecure encrypted virtualization
  5. ARM CCAARM Confidential compute architecture
  6. ARPAddress resolution protocol
  7. ASLRAddress space layout randomization
  8. AVXAdvanced vector extensions
  9. AbstractAbstraction
  10. Abstract syntaxSyntax#Abstract syntax
  11. Advanced configuration and power interfaceACPI
  12. Alpha-beta pruning알파-베타 가지치기
  13. Arm Confidential Computing ArchitectureARM Confidential compute architecture
  14. AtomicityACID
  15. BGPBorder gateway protocol
  16. BTFBPF Type Format
  17. Beam search빔 서치
  18. Bernstein ConditionBernstein's Conditions
  19. Black-box testing블랙박스 검사
  20. CDMA채널 분할 프로토콜
  21. CDNContents distribution network
  22. CFIControl flow integrity
  23. CIDRClassless inter-domain routing
  24. CNNConvolution layer
  25. CRCCyclic redoundancy check
  26. CSMACarrier sense multiple access/collision detection
  27. CXLCompute Express Link
  28. Cache캐시
  29. CoWCopy on write
  30. Code coverage코드 커버리지
  31. Complete partial orderOrder
  32. Concrete syntaxSyntax#Concrete syntax
  33. Congestion control혼잡제어
  34. DASHDynamic streaming over HTTP
  35. DBMSDatabase management system
  36. DMADirect memory access
  37. DMZDemilitarized zone
  38. DNSDomain name system
  39. DNS 스푸핑DNS Spoofing
  40. DeadlockDead lock
  41. Directory디렉토리
  42. Dynamic programming동적 계획법
  43. ELFExecutable and linkage format
  44. EPTExtended page table
  45. FIFOFirst in first out
  46. FTPFile transfer protocol
  47. FaaSFunction as a service
  48. File파일
  49. File system파일 시스템
  50. Filesystem파일 시스템

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